Accredited Culinary Skills Program

Get the latest culinary arts program in Egypt accredited by City & Guilds, which qualifies the student to take their first steps to become a professional chef through:

- A professional training environment that complies with international standards.
- A kitchen equipped for practical lectures and dedicated halls for theoretical lectures.
- The opportunity to learn from the best international chefs with high experience and specialization.
- An international curriculum and a system of monitoring, evaluation, and practical and theoretical tests.
- Technical and professional qualification for the labor market with an internationally accredited certificate from the British institution City & Guilds and Qualifications Development Bank..

The accredited culinary program is divided into two levels and includes the following training content:

First, the introductory level:
- Kitchen sections, tools, and equipment.
- Standards for choosing kitchen tools and equipment.
- How to clean kitchen equipment.
- Types of measures and weights.
- Personal hygiene and its importance for workers in the kitchen sector.
- Food safety.
- Types of knives and their uses.
- Knife skills and different cuts.
- Basics of purchasing, receiving, and storage.
- Preparation and setup (mise en place).
- Outdoor stations in hotels.
- Dealing with customers while working in buffets or outdoor stations.

* Duration: 10 lectures
* Lecture duration: 7 hours

Second, the first level:
- Basics of cleanliness in the kitchen.
- The food cycle.
- Safe and proper handling of:
  1. Poultry (proper selection/storage/deboning/cooking)
  2. Fish (proper selection/storage/filleting/cooking)
  3. Meat (different cuts/storage/cooking)
- Basic cooking methods and their applications.
- How to prepare different types of stocks.
- How to prepare different types of soups.
- Preparing mother sauces and their derivatives.
- Basics of handling fruits and vegetables.
- Preparing salads (vegetable/fruit) and dressings and the differences between each type.
- Pastries and baked goods.
- Principles of plate decoration.
- Calculating the cost of the dish.

Participants in this program will learn how to prepare and cook a variety of different recipes according to professional standards that qualify you for the labor market with an internationally accredited certificate from City & Guilds and Qualifications Development Bank.

* Duration: 21 lectures
* Lecture duration: 7 hours
* Total training hours: 200 hours
* Duration of the training program: about 4 months, studying at the academy for both the introductory and first levels

Conditions for obtaining the accredited certificate with the job title Commis Chef:
- Seriousness and commitment.
- Passing the practical and theoretical exam at the end of the study.
- After completing the study, spending a 6-month vocational training period.